
How long is the class?

Each class is guaranteed 25 or 50 minutes of active instruction. At the end of the class, teachers may write notes and evaluate the class. Total time commitment is 30 or 60 minutes per class, without preparation time. 3 minutes are allowed for possible technical problems before canceling the class.

How does booking work?

Teachers should enter a steady weekly availability one month in advance for a semester. Teachers can see their weekly schedules at their calendar on Google or on our platform. Teachers can be also scheduled during the week, not less than 24 hours in advance. ESITY encourages all teachers to set calendar reminders on their phone, or to check their emails and their schedule on a daily basis. Less than 24 hours in advance scheduling is usually done through phone, skype or email to make sure the teacher is reached.

When should I be available to teach?

If you want to maximize the number of your classes we recommend you to be available for at least 10 hours a week during our peak times. The most requested time slots are: Monday-Friday 3-9 pm and Saturday-Sunday 9 am - 9 pm. You don't have to work full shifts, but if you are available to work during these times, you have higher probability to have more classes.

Is there a maximum number of hours I can teach?

ESITY does not limit how much a teacher teaches during the day. Teachers have 100% control over their plan. However, some time periods are not popular among our students because they are usually at school or at work. Please note that it may take some time to have more classes, as students usually have steady teachers. We give no guarantee that the teacher will have a fixed number of hours.

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